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Quality control

​In order to document and improve our products, H.L Muffer ApS conduct quality control continuously. We do not settle with only testing by the demands from the industrial sector, but perform our own serial of measurements in own testing laboratory.

For years, we have conducted continuous tests, which provide a serial of measurements that documents a constant and homogeneous production.

This is our argumentation for the products meet the expectations and the industrial demands.

The combination of quality testing and the 40 years of experience within the industry, mean that H.L. Muffer ApS are ahead of the development – today and in the future.

Today, H.L. Muffer ApS have four VA-approvals. These approvals have been achieved with the expertise of ETA Denmark and The Danish Technological Institute.

The approvals are regularly updated.

Read more about VA- approvals here


H.L.Muffer ApS

CVR: 25799895

Idrætsvej 31

DK-9681 Ranum


​Phone: 98 67 70 05

Fax: 98 67 72 22


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